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Tops the $1 billion mark in 3 days.

By TechAvenue

The highly anticipated game broke the World Record for interactive entertainment when it crossed the $1 billion mark in just 3 days. That's on top of the $800 million it hauled in it's first 24 hours.


As a PC oriented site the only thing that should be mentioned that is missing is the PC version. But not to worry, recent source code found in the Xbox 360 and PS3 version points to mentions of DX 11. This is a not a surprise as previous versions of the GTA game have been released on the PC. Not to mention, PC gamer's will be able to run the game in all it's glory in FULL HD 1080P and beyond and not to mention the countless mods that will come about.


Let's just hope is not the horrible performance hog of a port that GTA IV was.

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