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By: TechAvenue

Peformance of a Titan. At nearly half the cost.

The embargo for benchmarking have been removed and the tech press got to review and publish their findings on AMD's new R9 290X. Everyone is generally extremely satisfied with the performance where in nearly every benchmarks the R9 290X trounces the $100 more expensive GTX 780 and it even matches or beat's the GTX Titan. That's only half the story, when AMD stated that it was thier most powerful GPU and their first 4K graphics card, there were not kidding. At 4K resolutions the R9 290X EASILY beats the GTX Titan.


BF3 at 1080P/1440P:


























At 4K:



















Crysis 3 at 1080P/1440P:




























At 4K:




















Tomb Raider at 1080P/1440P:






























At 4K:


















As one can see from above benchmarks from toms's Hardware that the R9 290X is easily trouncing the GTX 780 and beats the GTX Titan in most cases (for full benchmarks - visit tom's hardware site).


All that can be said is that AMD is back in the high end game and it's good news for gamers. No longer will they have to fork over $1000 to get high end gaming experience. That fact the R9 290X can beat the GTX Titan is nothing short of remarkable. This is easily one of their best launches in recent memory. With BF4 set to use AMD's Mantle one can assume that things will only get better for AMD.  All one can say is bravo AMD!



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